CIMSPA digital leadership programme

This project was delivered by CIMSPA in 2020, funded by Sport England.


The Digital Leadership Programme will assess the digital competencies of sport and physical activity organisations. The programme will then deliver bespoke workshops to upskill and bridge apparent knowledge gaps of senior leaders. The programme concludes with tailored 1-2-1 mentoring and advice to assist with the successful digital transformation of the organisations in the sport and physical activity sector.


The primary aim of this project was to help senior leaders of our sector consider how improving their organisational digital and data capabilities will help them to deliver their strategic aims and objectives.

About the programme

The sport and physical activity sector faces an ever-changing and competitive consumer environment. It is also becoming increasingly evident that having good data coupled with the right digital technology can have a positive impact on business performance. There is a clear need to explore the role and impact that digital technology and data can have on engaging and supporting customers in the sport and physical activity sector.

This need has also been reflected in previous insight and requests for more support from Sport England by NGBs. In response to this, CIMSPA has commissioned Seven League, a digital sports consultancy, to deliver a digital leadership programme for senior leaders.

Aimed at NGB senior leaders, the programme will help propel the sector to understand and integrate digital into their strategies. As a result, NGBs will benefit from greater exposure, engagement and revenue driven from its potential target audiences and commercial partners.

The 2020 programme will build on senior leaders’ understanding and create confidence when it comes to digital and data decision-making. The programme will:

  • Assess the digital competencies of participating NGBs.
  • Deliver bespoke workshops in response to the assessment and help to bridge the knowledge gap of senior leaders.
  • Provide one-to-one support to assist senior leaders and their organisations in their digital transformation planning and delivery.
  • Provide a monthly Seven League Digital Digest to showcase successful examples of digital transformation in our sector.


Project phases

Phase 1: Digital skills assessment

The first phase of the project assessed the digital competency of individuals and their organisations through a self-completed barometer. The barometer assessed seven aspects of digital competency: Strategy, Organisation, Platforms and Products, Content, CRM and Data, Performance and Monitoring, and Commercial.

Phase 2: Digital skills workshops

Following an analysis of the barometers, Seven League presented bespoke workshops focusing on four aspects of digital: CEO’s digital DNA, CRM and Data, Organisation and Resource, and Commercial.

Phase 3: Digital mentoring and advice

Following the workshops, CEOs were asked to consider the aspects that resonated most with their organisational needs and approach Seven League to explore further possible solutions.