
Workforce Governance & Registration Scheme Project - Update 19 February 

The Workforce Governance and Registration Scheme Project is a sector-wide piece of work with the objective of supporting, safeguarding and regulating the workforce to allow everyone taking part in sport and physical activity to enjoy safe and high-quality experiences, and to be supported in achieving their goals in a positive environment.


The project is being led by CIMSPA (the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity) working in partnership with Sport England and UK Sport, the National Governing Bodies of Sport, other sporting bodies and key stakeholders.

CIMSPA is committed to the success of this project, and we will be providing regular updates and engagement with all stakeholders throughout the next two years.

For further information please check the Workforce Governance section of the CIMSPA website or view our Frequently Asked Questions.

For any direct queries you can also email: workforcegovernance@cimspa.co.uk.

Project update: 19 February 2024

Since the previous update, we have continued to see excellent engagement from a wide range of sporting bodies, and have been working with you on several project areas:

Digital Touch Point 1

77% of sporting and National Governing Bodies have now completed Digital Touch Point 1, which is helping us to benchmark current levels of digital maturity for the future adoption of a national registration scheme and provide a representative set of findings to Sport England.

Digital Touch Point 2

Digital Touch Point 2 workshops have now taken place with 41% of sporting and National Governing Bodies, exploring and documenting the current processes, technology and platforms used to manage the registration and membership of the coaching workforce.

System Partner Audit

The independent consultancy organisation Sporting People have begun liaising with Safeguarding and case management system partners, on behalf of the project team. As well-established experts in their respective, specialist fields, this consultation will ensure that the project does not replicate their work, and will shape understanding of how to best integrate these partners within the potential future system.

International Child Protection Certificates

We have been in discussion with ACRO Criminal Records Office, to understand how they work in providing International Child Protection Certificates (ICPCs); and to explore improvements that could be made in the consistency of checks on coaches coming into the sector from overseas, and for coaches who work abroad for periods of time. These discussions are ongoing and we will keep you up to date with progress.

Coaching task and finish group*

The Coaching task and finish group held its second meeting in Jan, feeding back from an earlier Coaching Lead community of practice, on what features should be included in a licensing and registration scheme.

There was broad agreement for coaches to require appropriate training, insurance and background checks in order to be included on a register and to be deployed coaching sport. The detail of how coaches should maintain currency through Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requires further consideration and consultation.

Governance task and finish group*

This group also held its second meeting in Jan, with a focus on Codes of Conduct (sometimes known as Codes of Practice or Codes of Ethics). The group provided insight into the common features and principles, and how Codes feed into the Disciplinary process. This will inform work on a potential, common and shared, Code of Conduct for the national registration scheme.

*A group voluntarily formed with a small number of experienced representatives from relevant sporting bodies, to provide CIMSPA with insight and views across sports, to help inform decision making within the project.

Integrated Workforce Governance Framework

The project team have begun to pilot the workforce evaluation, conducting detailed semi-structured discussions with senior representatives of governing bodies. Three pilot evaluations have been completed so far. This work informs the broader focus of the project, on the improvement of governance mechanisms connected to the development and regulation of the workforce.

The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity

CIMSPA’s work enhances the career opportunities and professional development of the workforce operating in sport, fitness, exercise, leisure, gyms, coaching, outdoor exercise, health and wellbeing. We achieve this through sector-wide engagement, membership, networking, events, directories and professional standards.