Equality and diversity statement

CIMSPA’s board of trustees recognise and value people’s differences and are fully committed to encouraging diversity, reducing discrimination and accepting the legal and regulatory governance that shape how the chartered institute operates with equality and opportunity for all.

CIMSPA’s board of trustees aim to ensure that fellow trustees, committee members and CIMSPA’s employees are representative of all sections of society that they serve. The directors are also committed to providing an open and welcoming environment for all key stakeholders that celebrates and promotes the differences between the people who engage with CIMSPA. CIMSPA has two key targets which it is working towards and committed to achieving:

  • A gender parity of a minimum of 30% representation from each gender on to CIMSPA’s board.
  • Diversity across CIMSPA’s board including, but not limited to, Black, Asian, minority ethnic (BAME), disability, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) members of the community.
  • CIMSPA values the variety of different views, outlooks and approaches that a diverse workforce, board, membership, partner and volunteer network bring. This ensures that CIMSPA provides improved services and increases understanding of CIMSPA’s membership/service users/partners.

CIMSPA will ensure that no person receives less favourable treatment or disadvantaged by requirements or conditions, which cannot be shown to be justifiable.

CIMSPA has appointed a board trustee who will act as the ‘equality champion’. The equality champion will work in conjunction with the board of directors and CIMSPA’s senior management team to achieve its targets set within an annual action plan. The action plan includes details of how CIMSPA will achieve its obligations to gender parity and diversity targets for the board of trustees, senior management team and staff.