people talking at gym reception

National Sector Partners Group

The National Sector Partners Group (NSPG) is a coalition of leading bodies from across the sport and physical activity sector.

NSPG includes Active Partnerships, the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA), the Local Government Association, the Sport and Recreation Alliance, the Sport for Development Coalition, the Youth Sport Trust, and ukactive.

Through our collaborative work as sector partners, we aim to engage decision makers to improve the operating landscape for the sector and embed sport, recreation and physical activity as a key contributor to wider public policy objectives.

The NSPG allows our sector to speak to policy makers with one voice, ensuring that the value of our work is consistently represented. Collectively we aim to be the voice of the sector into all government departments.

Unlocking the potential

Sport, recreation and physical activity can play a key role in achieving whole of Government priorities and supporting the national renewal. But only if there is radical and bold change.

It is the collective belief of the NSPG that there needs to be root and branch reform of the policy and operating landscape the sector currently exists within.

At a strategic level this must encompass:

  • Development of a strong and consistent evidence base on which to make well-informed decisions and guide investment, with a particular focus on tackling inequalities and achieving the greatest social return on public investment.
  • Strong direction from the heart of Government on the importance of sport, recreation and physical activity.
  • Better policy coordination across different Government departments and agencies including much closer alignment of existing strategies on sport, physical activity, health and education.
  • Deeper collaboration between Government departments, agencies and the sector involving greater co-design of policy and monitoring of implementation.
  • Targeted investment into the sector on a long-term basis to provide certainty and stability and maximise value for money.
  • Fundamental changes to legislative, regulatory and taxation regimes so they become greater enablers for sport, recreation and physical activity.
  • Greater advocacy from governments at national and local level for the role the sector plays in all communities.
  • Improved coordination between national and local government, particularly where there are shared responsibilities e.g. public sport and leisure.
  • Smarter deployment of sport, recreation and physical as a means of achieving specific policy objectives including improvements in education, skills and employment and the prevention of crime and recidivism.
  • Improved links between the sector and related business and voluntary sectors to create more opportunities for investment, innovation and collaboration.

Download our mission statement

Unlocking the Potential


How sport, recreation and physical activity can help improve the health and wellbeing of the nation.

Who we are

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Active Partnerships

Active Partnerships

The network of 43 Active Partnerships cover the whole of England, bringing together people and organisations across their counties to increase physical activity levels.

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CIMSPA is the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector, committed to supporting, developing and enabling professionals and organisations to succeed and, as a result, inspire our nation to become more active.

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Local Government Association

The Local Government Association (LGA) is the national voice of local government. We are a politically led, cross-party membership organisation, representing councils from England and Wales. 

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Sport for Development Coalition

The Sport for Development Coalition is a UK-wide network of more than 230 charities and organisations over-arching thousands of projects and programmes that use sport and physical activity-based interventions to intentionally generate positive health and societal outcomes.

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Sport and Recreation Alliance

The Sport and Recreation Alliance believes that the power of sport and recreation can change lives and bring communities together. Together with over 300 members and in partnership with the wider sector, we make the most of opportunities and tackle the areas that provide a challenge.

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ukactive is the UK’s leading not-for-profit membership body for the physical activity sector, bringing together more than 4,000 member organisations and partners in our shared ambition to get More People, More Active, More Often.

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Youth Sport Trust

The Youth Sport Trust is a children’s charity founded in 1995 to harness the power of play and sport in children’s education & development.  Our vision is a future where every child enjoys the life-changing benefits of play and sport and our mission is to equip educators and empower young people to build brighter futures. 

Latest news from the NSPG