We are guardians of the UK sport and physical activity workforce and we’re here to listen and take action where needed.

At CIMSPA we care, whether you are in need of support, have an issue you wish to bring to our attention or you feel you have a duty to report an individual or an organisation, you can trust that CIMSPA will listen and take action where appropriate.

We welcome CIMSPA members, partners and the general public to raise concerns and to request support in any issues relating to CIMSPA members or partners. We believe in listening and taking on feedback, which in turn contributes towards our Membership/Partnership review processes as well as quality assurance. CIMSPA are committed to resolving issues efficiently and effectively whilst offering care and compassion to all involved.

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Request for support

Need assistance with something that doesn’t feel quite right? Tell us more about it here

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Duty to report

As a member/partner of CIMSPA, you have a duty to report issues as you witness them. Don’t be a bystander, help us create a safe space by reporting your concerns here

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Dissatisfied? Let CIMSPA investigate and look into this for you

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Sanctioned members and partners

Members/partners who have been sanctioned after being found in breach of their respective code of conduct, policies, contract and/or Terms & Conditions